Category: Editorial

  • About That Last of Us Ending

    Finished it on Sunday. All the spoilers for the ending of The Last of Us. Below the jump. Apparently that was controversial? Apparently lots of people didn’t like it? That was not at all my experience. When the Fireflies at the end said “we have to cut her brain open,” my husband was sitting next to…

  • On the Disconnect Between Violence and Narrative in Any Game That Doesn’t Star Deadpool

    Game critics, you only need the first paragraph of my Deadpool review. I am Serious Game Critic; this are Serious Part of Games Critical Canon.

  • If I’m Going to Stare At An Ass…

    I’m enjoying the Neverwinter MMO and I have posted my full impressions/launch review over at Tap-Repeatedly. The other night when I was wandering in a zone I saw some players on the area chat discussing the ever-popular question of who was what gender in real life. Are all the female avatars here really girls? I was,…

  • That Gorgeous Sorceress

    A big controversy on the internet this past week has been the character designs in Dragon’s Crown. (Again. These designs have been around for a while, but the game release date was officially announced, with some new trailers.) I have complicated feelings about the character designs in Dragon’s Crown. Except that’s a lie; the truth…

  • Games for Everybody

    I came here to talk about spiders. Or maybe I came here to talk about homosexuality but you should stay for the spiders.  Either/or. I should add as a disclaimer that I haven’t played Dragon Age.  But I’m going to write about what people have written about Dragon Age. I hope that’s OK and apologize…

  • Monopoly: You’re Doing It Wrong

    So I’ve been writing about video games mostly.  But sometimes I also play board games. I’m particularly fond of Dungeons and Dragons, which, while not a board game per se, has board game variants. Whenever I tell people this, sometimes I add that there are conventions for board games; there are board game enthusiasts.  The…

  • Hiding Secrets in 3D Open World Games

    For anyone reading solely due to IF Reviews, I’m taking a short break from that in this post to go back to my usual type of topic, though, I do think that writing IF reviews has done wonders for my productivity in this blog. I’m still not quite out of things to talk about in…