Category: Uncategorized

  • IF Comp 2011: Cursed

    I don’t really like this very much, but it’s taken me about an hour to convince myself that that is not my fault. My first instinct when something is fairly well-written is to blame myself instead of the design, but in the case of this game, it really probably is the design. This is kind…

  • IF Comp 2011: Playing Games

    I actually played this one a few days ago, but it was so underwhelming I forgot to post about it. I’ll spoil-cut anyway because I am polite. All this game really amounts to is a series of three visual puzzles that are in a text format. They’re basically like a ball you roll through a…

  • IF Comp 2011: The Ship of Whimsy

    Another untested game. I’ll play it anyway and tell you what I think! I don’t think much, really. This game plays as if someone realized suddenly that they could set a game to ship directions instead of compass directions, so they just had to do that. Beyond that there isn’t much to it. Go here,…

  • IF Comp 2011: Kerkerkruip

    It’s… it’s a roguelike? Challenge Accepted It took me a few tries before I got the hang of it. The first time, I got all the way to the last boss and had pretty good equipment, but couldn’t figure out how to damage him. It turns out the “concentrate” command is pretty crucial to your…

  • IF Comp 2011: Fan Interference

    I’m running down to the last few games, and I’ve played a pretty big block of them in the, let’s say, “home stretch.” Bad pun intended, since this is a game about baseball. You play as a baseball fan, and the object of the game is to interfere with a real, historical Cubs game so that the…

  • IF Comp 2011: The Hours

    This is a game about time travel. My review will contain swears this time! The story in this one is so bad-ass! It’s about this crazy conspiracy that’s happening in a time travel “company,” where people are involved using their own time-travel-created duplicates from the past and there’s murder and intrigue and you’re attacked by…

  • IF Comp 2011: Professor Frank

    Untested and kind of messy. The loose plot of the game is that you have to escape from a library in which you are trapped. Sudden deaths can happen, so the game gives you “rescues” that will nullify one of them, though there is a limited amount. The game seems, by some text, to be…

  • IF Comp 2011: Death of Schlig

    OK, I’ll be honest: I’ve been putting this one off. I clicked on it three times, but every time I was confronted with that so-wacky opening graphic, and kind of stared at it.  Then I saw that the protagonist was another detective, but that the whole thing was going to be wacky monkey cheese antics,…

  • IF Comp 2011: Fog Convict

    Sorry, this just isn’t doing it for me. Now apparently this has the same author as Blind, which I pretty much liked? Or else two authors just have the same name for some reason. This game seems to involve a meticulous recreation of the college the author went to. When I loaded up the Feelie…

  • IF Comp 2011: Calm

    I feel like this is a little big for a comp game, or maybe I’m just bad at it. I feel like I was progressing, but had no idea how far I was from the end before I hit my time limit. Other impressions after the jump. This is a game about the post-apocalypse. The…