IF Comp 2011: Vestiges

Man. Maybe I was too hard on the last two games.  This one is a triumph of bad implementation.

Some highlights:

>x me
As good-looking as ever.

Hm, always a good sign.

You can also see a wooden doors here.
>open wooden door
You can’t see any such thing.
>open wooden doors
You open the wooden doors.

Right then.  “A” wooden doors.

>open altar with shovel
With a satisfying crunching sound, the lid slides off and onto the floor.  Inside is a sword, all but glowing in the near blackness.  It looks sharp, perhaps sharp enough to cut through even metal…?
You unlock the stone altar.
>get sword
You can’t see any such thing.
>x sword
You can’t see any such thing.

Setting aside the absurdity of not hiding the “unlock” message, I can’t Get Sword until I Open Altar even though the description of unlocking the altar includes the action of opening it.

And then my favorite:

>x tombstone
The inscription is long faded, and the stone looks ready to crumble at the slightest touch.  However, you notice a glinting something next to it.
 The cat blinks twice and says ” Meow.”
>get glinting something
You can’t see any such thing.
>x something
You can’t see any such thing.
>x glinting thing
You can’t see any such thing.
>x glint
You can’t see any such thing.

Note to the author: here is where I gave up. I would have consulted the walkthrough, but I got an empty file when I tried to download it.
So this is also My First Interactive Fiction, except without any bug-checking… I can understand if you’re just trying to learn Z-Code, but please test a game before submitting it to the Comp. I know, I clicked, so I got what I asked for, but the game seemed to have a nice idea in there somewhere.






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