A big controversy on the internet this past week has been the character designs in Dragon’s Crown. (Again. These designs have been around for a while, but the game release date was officially announced, with some new trailers.) I have complicated feelings about the character designs in Dragon’s Crown.
That Gorgeous Sorceress
8 responses to “That Gorgeous Sorceress”
I am SO glad that this is where you went with this–I kind of figured this would be your take, given that we’ve talked about Bayonetta and The Witcher’s Lady Cards. I’ve played a lot of Vanillaware’s games, and they do some odd and interesting things with revealing clothing–I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the minor controversy over Muramasa’s promo art which alluded to Dream of the Fisherman’s wife?
I read somewhere that apparently the artist responsible read Jason Schreier’s suggestion that he was a 14-year-old boy and, in response, suggested Schreier would appreciate some bara art. He responded to Schreier’s suggestion that he was a teenager by calling Schreier gay. I think that’s the most hilarious thing I’ve ever heard.
Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve been slowly throwing out the idea in the ED comments of getting together some kind of group to play The Void over the summer. I would highly recommend you join–it uses the “pick which one of these pinup girls you want to date and give her collectables” trope to one of the most interesting effects I’ve ever seen.
There’s a bit more about that from Kamitani here, and, while I understand why people saw that response offensive, I think it was mostly a translation/cultural miscommunication? http://kotaku.com/the-artist-behind-dragons-crown-explains-his-exaggerat-482450927 Like, he thought it was funny that nobody requested more art of the Dwarf, and he already had that picture laying around.
I’d be interested in The Void – sounds up my alley!
I don’t have too much to say, because this kind of topic is not my bag. I wonder if Alyx is a kind of role model that appeals to modern *men*, the kind of non-sexualized female protagonist that men feel comfortable with – thank god there’s no boobs or thigh, we can just get along. It’s not about a female role model in games. I’m just thinking off the top of the head considering I liked working with Alyx; she didn’t annoy me. I know Pippin Barr absolutely hated her as he confessed in the video interview last year.
I wonder when we will get to the place where we can be comfortable with all of this. I mean, as you’re sort of pointing out, a happy future is not one where every piece of flesh is covered in tape and six layers of fabric, but where characters are multi-dimensional. They are not defined explicitly by provocative attire, but that doesn’t mean they’re not sexual individuals. Obviously more complex than this but occurs to me if we force all our female characters to cover up – that’s creepily close to saying it’s the woman’s fault for the way she dresses… y’know? Again I don’t have any real point here, just writing out loud.
But that animated image above, Amanda, I find myself horribly mesmerised by the … jounce. It’s weirdly hypnotic. Look at those things. They’re beyond real. Supernatural. Sorcery, I’d say.
I had better close the page before I totally lose myself.
I don’t HATE Alyx. She’s fine. I don’t see her as a bad or negative character. She just isn’t my favorite.
It’s OK to stare at the gif.
Great post!
Honestly, the most heartily I’ve seen about this topic, and others alike.
About the last question: “why some are uncomfortable?”
I’m sure the many people would never feel like that if they weren’t indoctrinate and lead to guilty by misguided feminists.
Bad feminists is that ones who believes that everything it’s a matter of patriarchal oppression and even a beautiful women works for sexism just for be… Beautiful.
Curiously, they can’t see that this way feeds the prejudice that would be fighting. So, a big breasted woman can’t do things!?
Many women are naturally big breasted, and as everything, the game artwork exaggerates that. Why guys can have any shape, but women don’t? This game show a skinny elf, no breast, a muscular one, and a voluptous other.
And like you, I also dreaming with the day we will have a chubby heroine.
Marcus Valerio XR
xr.pro.br -
I do want to make it clear that I consider myself a feminist and I do not think feminism is bad or that it’s indoctrination. But I’m noticing a weird pattern in the kind of art that makes people mad lately.
I’m watching a similar backlash happening now over the designs (which are from the 90s) of the female characters in Shadows over Mystara. (a very similar game to Dragon’s Crown) Maybe an elf in a miniskirt is just more problematic now than it would’ve been 15 years ago… but I like the art in these titles.
Why does it make you a “bad feminist” to like this art work? That doesn’t even make sense. The feminist hive mind is not allowed to like drawings with big breasts? LOL
The dragon Crown “controversy” is one of the reasons 3 wave feminism is considered a complete joke by the main stream. Women get upset about drawings of big boobs in a game. Meanwhile feminist protest by taking their tops off and exposing their tits. So are tits good or bad feminists? Make up your mind.
Or is it only LARGE breasts that are bad. Could it be all this crying really just comes down to simple female jealousy? It’s really starting to seem like that.
What about the unrealistic masculine muscles on the male characters in this game? How come no men are complaining about that? Is it because men have better things to do with their time than get upset and jealous about drawings in a video game?
I think the feminist hive mind should try address some of the REAL issues that face women today, and stop freaking out about some tits.
To break down your comment:
No, I don’t actually think liking the art makes me a bad feminist…
“What about the men” is kind of a common coment – people ARE complaining about it, but specifically as a counterpoint to women offended by the female artwork, and, let’s be fair – more or less every time it comes up. I broadly agree that the artwork in Dragon’s Crown is consistent stylistically, but let’s not pretend no one brings up the dudes. Ya’ll do it with some regularity.
The fact that I do consider myself a feminist should at least prove there’s no hive mind? I have no idea if this kind of stuff is going to shake out eventually.
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