Secondtruth Blog Archives
New video at Channel 9
I posted up a new video blog showing how I set up my Particle IoT device. Check it out on the Raw Tech channel this time:
How to Make your First Windows 10 App
Because Windows has been slowly transitioning from one app model to another, I found it tricky at first to find Windows 10 specific resources. I started playing around with the Windows 10 specific universal app creation tools recently. Now I’m creating this quick guide to help you make your very first simple Hello World app targeting Windows 10. Hopefully you’ll…
Cooking with Dungeons & Dragons
We’ve started a new D&D campaign at home. I’m not the GM this time, which frees me up to do lots of other projects and just play along. Last week I looked on my bookshelf and realized I still had a nicely worn copy of Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home, a this-and-that…
I Started a Video Blog!
I started a new video blog on Channel 9 at MSDN. I’m going to try to post at least every other week with a video about gaming, IoT, or just some technology I’m working with. Hopefully it will give some people more ideas for fun projects. Check it out here with my first entry, which…
Spouse Alert – a Useful IoT Hack
During this week I participated in a Hackathon to increase my own skills and work with my work team. I decided to do a quick project using the Particle Core! A lot of times during the day my husband wears headphones and it’s hard to get his attention. I thought it might be fun to…
Philly “Move Your Body” Game Jam
The game jam at Philly Dev Night this month was a huge success! I was really happy to be able to sponsor such a cool event and participate in playing all the games! The secret theme that we announced at the event July 2 was “Move your body.” This year I’ve gotten really interested in gamifying…
Come Jam With Us
We’re having a game jam tonight at Philly Dev Night sponsored by Microsoft! Come out and jam with us at Philly Dev Night! If you haven’t seen my Events Calendar it’s updated with some of the things I’m doing this summer and fall. Hope to see you!
Leaving for Origins!
Tomorrow we’re taking off for the Origins Game Fair in Columbus! How exciting is this: this year I’m going to be DMing a couple of sessions with Rogue Cthulhu! I love playing in their games every year, and this year I’ve finally got the courage to run my own! But you don’t need me to…
Best of Build and Windows 10
Now some important news from Microsoft for developers out there: Build sold out in record time this year, so a lot of people may have missed out. If you’re one of those unlucky few, there’s a few ways to catch up on news… Microsoft Virtual Academy has a “Best of Build and Windows 10” video…
MomJam – The Voxelles Mother’s Day Game Jam
I’ve remarked quite a bit in the past about “Dad Games:” the gamification of fatherhood that seemed to be a recent fad in AAA game design. But the inevitable question arises: where are all the Mom Games? When I say “games about moms,” many people mention “well, there’s that one with the badgers” (Shelter). Cart…
Got any book recommendations?